Friday, July 4, 2008

Increase Your Conversion Rates Using Minisite Design by semmy


What is a minisite? A minisite is a simple website that is designed to achieve the following:

(1) Make a sale through your sales letter (2) Get new subscribers by opting in through your landing page (3) Promote other advertising or affiliate links

Basically, your primary objective of having a minisite is to solicit a DIRECT response. Anything else that distracts the user from that response is a waste of time.

So how does one increase their conversion rates? After all, you only get one chance at getting that response and if the user closes the page, they are most likely gone forever so success is extremely critical.

Here are a number of ways to increase your website design:

- Improve your web copy

Having powerful copy is critical if you want to solicit the response. From an attention grabbing headline to a compelling story that will give the prospect a reason to signup/purchase, you want to keep your information tight and precise in order to complete your objective.

- Use videos to engage the prospect's senses in different ways

Nowadays, minisite isn't just all about words; you must engage your prospect's senses in a number of ways. Sights, sound, video, other forms of interaction... the more you engage your prospects, the better your chances for converting a sale or getting new leads. After all, not everyone is a 'reader', by using the right combination; you will be able to increase your conversion rates very quickly.

- Use compelling graphics to entice your user

This is one of the simplest and best options. Ironically, the cost of designing a minisite graphic is relatively cheaper than web copy because even for a dozen lines of text, a good copywriter will charge you a hefty fee. But with graphics, not only do you save money on production costs; you also captivate your user with a single glimpse.

Many people neglect the use of good graphics. They fail to understand that statistically speaking, you can literally increase the conversion rates of a web copy by 300% when they are used synergistically with compelling graphics, especially the header banner.

You will be able to come across as a professional by the way you brand yourself. By using compelling graphics, it will give you a tremendous boost to your credibility as well because there are so many scams and hypes on the Internet.

People do, after all, judge a book by its cover and since you only get one shot at it, you had better make full use of your resources. You need to stand out from the rest of the crowd so getting good graphics is definitely a worthwhile investment.

Article Summary:

Minisites are designed for direct response. If you want to increase your conversion rates exponentially, you must invest in good graphics.

About the Author

Semmy is an expert in minisite graphics creation. Grab a truckload of powerful Minisite Designs at

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