There are a variety of ways to make money online. One of the most popular ways is by having a website. For someone without a lot of computer or technical skills, this can be overwhelming and confusing. Even for those with a lot of computer experience, there are many hidden fees and restrictions that are not commonly shared.
The first step to have a website is to buy a domain name. A domain name is the website address, like One of the options available when purchasing a domain name is the length of time that you want to have it for. Generally you choose between one to two years, and you always have the option to renew your domain name before it expires. You can also choose to have a Certified Domain, which shows visitors that the website has passed an authentication process and the owner's credentials have been validated. Another option when purchasing a domain name is Private Registration Services, which protect your personal information, otherwise it is available to the public.
The next step to create a website is to design the actual website. There is too much information about this topic to explain it here, so you can visit my website for free web design programs and instructional videos or purchase a web design program when you buy your domain name and follow the directions given to you.
After the website is created, it needs to be uploaded to the Internet. This is what puts your website onto the Internet and allows you to have visitors. In order to do this, web hosting is needed. This can be purchased for different lengths of time, depending on the web hosting provider, from one month to several years. There are also different website hosting plans available. Most commonly used is Shared Hosting, where a website shares a server with other websites.
Dedicated Hosting is another option in which there is an entire server specifically for your website. Virtual hosting is a third choice, which allows you to control your server space, while sharing a server with others. Hosting plans also vary by company, and the specific plans you can choose from that web hosting provider, generally varying in the amount of disk space and transfer rates, which primarily affects how fast a website is.
Websites are one of the most profitable ways to make money online. Don't let them overwhelm you, learn how to create your own website and begin making money online today.
About the Author
Janice Hamilton is now a successful Internet marketer, after being repeatedly scammed and losing thousands of dollars. Visit her website to learn how to design websites and make them profitable. Plus get free resources, instructional videos and find out important information web hosting companies won't tell you.
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