Network marketing is no new concept at all. It is an age-old marketing strategy that was probably adopted with the first recorded sale. The strategy involves establishing an understanding with other similar or associated businesses and reaching a consensus on collective responsibility. The industries across various segments are inter-connected by manufacture of products and services that are inter-related. The connectivity makes it possible for all segments to enjoy a profit curve that ensures the co existence of each and the whole.
Network marketing can work wonders for any small business. The ability to co ordinate services and products with that of competitors or other individual segments enables any business to prosper. Networking involves regular communication and a deep understanding of common goals. However, for networking to work it also involves keeping in mind certain essentials. For example, when I started my own web content development company way back in 1999, I realized the need to identify investors in my ability. This led me to think and come to the conclusion that I needed to short list friends and relatives who were connected with companies that required good web content. This urgency to kick start on the right foot made me identify people and companies within the locality first, and then beyond, with potential.
Network marketing not only earned me the initial assignments where I proved my ability to develop web content, but also helped me establish contact with people who had regular work for me. It is only right to credit network marketing with the success of my ever-expanding web content development business today. I now have a whole team of 28 members who are efficient and dedicated and the business grew only because of established contact. I applied certain network marketing tips to my business and they really worked. One included identifying potential customers on holidays, occasions and festivities. This not only ensured that my mail and sales pitch were read, but also considered at leisure.
I also took the initiative to enable my customers to fill in a profile form prior to business. This helped me to understand specific customer requirements and deliver accordingly. I adopted a cheap and easy way to personalize and optimize my sales pitch. I adopted the click and access strategy, where links to my site and business were placed on related sites, targeting individual recipients. I ensured that network marketing worked for me by adding ‘sign-up’ boxes on every page of my web site. This urged and egged the prospects to go one step ahead, and in good time these were the very people who became my clientele.
The sign up boxes should be placed literally on every page. You never know which click might work for you and help you to expand your business.
Network marketing worked wonders for my small online business and there is nothing to hold you back from exploring the potential. With a little planning and a lot of hard work, you too could enjoy heading a team like I do. The power of the internet technology is vast and waiting to be explored. There are a number of online and offline resources that enable you to identify the right strategies and nurture your small business into a flowering and prospering venture.
About the Author
Peter Brittain is a director of an Australian internet marketing company - Slinky, and is an expert in SEO.
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