A "cyber-dinosaur's" dream come true.
At my rather advanced age, the entire Internet looms as a challenge. My kids, both engineers, insist that I have no business even being online; but, I think that's just their way of saying that they are tired of my constant cries for help.
XSitePro to the rescue.
I started out not knowing the difference between a pixel and a pixie.
Bits, bytes, gigs, mega gigs, html, php, etc.---nightmarish terms that totally baffle this old man.
I was, and still am, a newbie.....a newbie's newbie, in fact.
So how does it happen that I am online with half a dozen, income producing web sites?
Once again, XSitePro to the rescue.
I tried a number of "free" web site builders; as well as several off-the-shelf programs from WalMart. "SO EASY EVEN A TEN YEAR OLD CAN USE"----what that catchy and tempting phrase doesn't take in to account is that most ten year olds today have already had five years of computer exposure.....in school, at home, the library, and who knows where else.
Bottom line is that I got absolutely nowhere till XSitePro.
I purchased and downloaded the program early one morning; and within a few hours had created a "functional" website.
It was such fun that I then decided to give in and READ THE INSTRUCTIONS.(The "READY", "FIRE", "AIM" approach is my norm for any new tool/toy/project that ever comes my way.)
Totally amazed, almost overwhelmed by the possibilities, I immediately deleted my first attempt. Why not? It had been so easy to build; and who knew what would be possible with some instructions?
Then, of course, CATASTROPHE! I took my trusty old computer to the GEEK SQUAD at BEST BUY for a "minor" tune up. A week later, not the two days they promised, I picked up my machine; AND THEY HAD DELETED MY ENTIRE HARD DRIVE.(I'll admit that I really didn't know exactly what "hard drive" or "back up" implied; but, I CAN tell you what a "deleted and not backed up hard drive" means.)
Ever lost your purse or wallet? Multiply that agony by about a hundred as you realize that ALL your post-computer family pictures, tax records, bank records are gone forever.
So are all the programs that you may have purchased and installed on said computer.The GEEK SQUAD, and my ignoring every one's advice to back up everything, had turned my "minor tune up" into a "major, MAJOR, disaster.) Even my kids couldn't make this problem go away. To their credit, they were sympathetic instead of patronizing; and they did provide me with a new external hard drive and instructions for a regular backup of my computer.
My pre-disaster stubborness had prevented me from ever using the "support" functions at most of my programs; but this time stubborness wasn't an option.
The first to respond to my plea for assistance was.......yep, XSitePro. Within a short time I received a personal email from a staff member whose mother had had a similar GEEK SQUAD experience. She went on to provide a download link, instructions for downloading, installing and setting up; as well as some very helpful advice for backing up the hard drive on my machine. Keep in mind that I was unable to provide verification that I had ever paid for the program. (It had been on my now-deleted hard drive) Instead of requiring me to re-purchase (which I would have done), she took the time to verify from her side. In no time I was back creating sites......and even reading more instructions.
Now I actually look forward to contacting the XSitePro's support staff; especially since I am always as well treated as on my first visit.
OK, this review is starting to take on a life of it's own; and since I still type at about six words per minute, it's time to wrap it up.
I never got any response from about half of the support emails that I sent, so I am now very "support conscious". I rate XSitePro's SUPPORT SYSTEM at 110 per cent.
EASE OF USE is next: This old man is now building websites at will, and I still haven't read over 25 percent of the instructions. Each time I learn a new feature I add it to my websites. Google loves the regular "updates" and I have a ball.
COST: Though not insignificant, it is more than justified by the program itself. The money back guarantee makes it possible to determine the value for yourself..... risk free.
And finally, to paraphrase a now famous TV commercial: cost of program.....justifiable; ease of use.....undeniable; support.....exceptional; finally being able to show the kids and grand kids a thing or two.....PRICELESS!
Gayle and Fred reminding you: "Since you can read this.....thank a teacher. "Since it's in English.....thank a soldier."
About the Author
Thanks XSitePro. Our latest web sites may be far from perfect but they are also far from completed. Check back regularly to see the fun we are having: http://www.NurseCrisis.com and http://wwwBeSoThin.com and http://www.Tobuildadeck.com
1 comment:
I've been using xsitepro for about 6 months now and I totally agree with everything you said. It is so easy to use. Like yourself, I tend to go in 'guns blazing' rather than read the instructions.
I was able to create a fairly standard website without really going into too much detail, but once I'd read through the guides, the difference was amazing. I've been singing xsitepro's praises for some time now. Anyone interested in designing a site without having to spend months (years even!) learning HTML code, should look no further.
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